Preachin' in the Ghetto |
Hey!! What’s up!! I hope all is going well for everybody, and again thanks for the emails. Well, for me, this week was great! We have been getting baptismal dates set with more of our potential investigators. We are having problems with them not coming to church however. Every week they don’t come, we have to push their baptismal date back which is frustrating beyond belief, but I guess we just need to be patient and rely on the Lord and in his timing of things.
P-day this week was super fun! We combined as two zones for a giant "nerf" gun war in the stake center gym. It was way fun! We had set up all the tables and chair racks as bases and objects to hide behind while we just went all out on each other with the guns we had. It was awesome!
This is what "Macho Missionary Models" look like. |
This week we also did something called a "blitz" here in our zone. We all met at the church then went to each other's areas in search of new investigators. It was great and very successful. We found new investigators in every area we went into because there was about nine of us in the area at one time. Elder A** and I found a way solid lady named G** from Honduras in Elder T** and P**’s area. I spotted her from down a street in her garage moving boxes so we decided to walk all the way down to contact her. At first she was not having it at all. She was sort of ignoring us and packing, but something switched and made her sit down and actually talk to us. After talking for a while, we found out that she is and has been mad at God for many years because she feels that he only answers others prayers and not her own. Wow, just like that her doubt smacked us in the face and we knew exactly what to do! We then had a great short lesson and passed her off to Elders T** and P** to teach!
Thanks mom for the Halloween treats! |
Always a Utes fan! |
Angry Birds Costume for the Branch Party. |
HALLOWEEN NIGHT!!!! was super lame. Haha We just stayed inside and cleaned. However, thanks to everyone who sent me Halloween packages!! They were awesome and I have sooo much candy. It’s unreal. I was praying for trick or treaters to come by my house, but no.. so I will just get fat off of it.
We picked up some new investigators this week including an old former investigator. We set a BAP date with her on Dec 7th! We are so excited to work with these awesome people and hopefully help them reach the goal of baptism! Also, other good news is that all the less actives we have been teaching the family V**, and H** are now fully active!! They have come to church for well over a month now and Hno H** even blessed the sacrament yesterday which was sweet!
This week I read a book called, “The Peace Giver”. It was awesome! I read it in less than a day which is unheard of for me! It really teaches some good lessons about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and about forgiveness and becoming free from the chains of the adversary. I highly recommend reading it! It’s about 200 pages, but super good. I received a ton of great insight and revelation from it!
Well, I can’t really think of a whole lot more to talk about. Elder A** and I are killin' it here (at least we think so) haha and our investigators are great! My Spanish has improved a ton! People in the branch have said I sound Mexicano, so I guess that’s a good thing! We had a huge rain storm here also and I really loved finally being able to work in the rain and get out of the hot weather of S. CA. I hope everyone has a great week!! Thanks for all you do. Love you guys!
Hasta Luego,
Elder Woffinden