The BIG 21 for my comp, Elder J** |
Hey family, what’s up??
I thought this Conference was awesome! I’m sure like many of
you it was crazy to receive three new Apostles, but I did say that Ronald A. Rasband would be one of them! The other two were a surprise. There were a
couple of talks that really stood out to me from conference. President Uchtdorf’s
from the Priesthood session was one of them. It was great! There were many
others, but at the moment my mind can’t recall them so, oh well.
Unfortunately for me this weekend, and especially today, I
was sick again!! I re-caught the same cold I just got over last week and have
been hacking my lungs out, literally, haha. How did you all enjoy Conference
weekend?? Yeah, I have to agree that Pres. Monson’s really struggled with his
talk. It’s crazy to me that he has been a General Authority for almost as long
as you have been alive Mom, haha.
This past week was
awesome!!! Don’t worry, I am feeling better. I went to the doctor and they gave
me some antibiotics that kicked out the monster bug that was wrecking me, haha,
so I feel much, much better!!
I got my release papers telling me when I will be coming
home and they said January 26th, so that is the day then! I have
thought a lot about going home early, but President Tew told me it would be
impossible to send me home in December before Christmas, and I also want to
serve the full time that I signed up for, so I will see you all at SLC International
on January 26th!!
Today being P-day has been a good day. It is Elder J**’s birthday,
so while we were grocery
Elder J**'s birthday sweet roll. |
shopping, I bought us and Elders Rhodes and Oniki some
cinnamon rolls and a 21 candle and we had a little b-day breakfast, haha. It wasn’t much, but it was the best I could
do considering we had no food... Oh well, haha.
Okay, there is a lot to talk about last week, so much I am trying
to remember it all, but I will start with the work and with my investigators. A**
is super good! The baptismal date is
still planned for November 14
th and she is just a champion. We are
reading with her in her little children’s Book of Mormon and she truly loves it
all. So we are just biding our time till the day comes. We have L**! She is the
miracle story and investigator that I want to tell you about. L** is a middle aged woman with 5 children and
her husband Oscar (who doesn't like us, but whatever). She has a wine
collection of over 600 bottles, but hardly ever drinks she says. It’s only a
hobby to collect the bottles?? Okay... ha, but we made tremendous progress with
her this past week. We taught her about the Restoration and also the Plan of Salvation
and had two of the most powerful and successful
Having a good time with Elder O** |
lessons of my mission, hands
down. When we first met her, I’ll be honest, I was thinking “,… well here we go
again,” as I was looking at the huge Mother Mary shrines and all the candles in
her home. So I was very skeptical of her progressing. However, do not under
estimate the power of God and the Holy Ghost!! I have truly seen how conversion
comes through them and not my selfish self. As we finished teaching lesson one,
we invited her to read Moroni chapter 10 and to pray about it. She was
determined to do so, and she did!! She explained how she felt so at peace and
how it was one of the best feelings she has had. She also brought up to us how
she is dealing with a lot of hate and anger towards people in her family for
things they have done to her and she started to cry. She wanted to know what she
could do to feel the peace and love she desires in her life. Immediately the thought
came to me to explain about baptism and to invite her to be baptized. So as we
did and she didn’t hesitate for a second. We told her that it is the first step
to finding peace, forgiveness and the love she needs to forgive and be healed.
We invited her to be baptized November 1st and she said YES!!! I was so shocked
and happy I think I looked stunned when she accepted, haha, but as the week rolled on and we taught
lesson two, I can truly see that she has potential and really will commit! She
promised to come to church on Sunday but, early on Sunday morning she cancelled
because she had to go to the hospital to visit her mother-in-law.... Satan is working
hard on her now and it makes me so irritated!! We just need to be patient and
help her make those necessary steps. We currently have 4 baptismal dates set
and we are hopeful that all will go through! So please pray for A**, L**, L**,
and M**.
The Huntington District |
On Wednesday as we were heading home from our District Meeting, we received a call to go
give a man who was not a member a priesthood blessing. So we went right away.
He was having surgery for bladder cancer I think. All four of us went and gave L**
a blessing and it was super good! It was the first Spanish blessing Elders Rhodes
and Oniki had participated in and they said it was cool to be a part of it.
Elder J** anointed him and I gave the blessing. We were also able to do some
good service this week at the old folk’s home and also at a member’s home, so
it was a great week for us all. We are doing well and I can’t believe how fast
the time is flying by!
Well, I hope the best for everyone and I love you all!!
Gracias por todo que hacen para mi! En verdad ustedes son
una gran bendicion para mi!! Los amo mucho :)
Elder “Lobo” Woffinden