Singing a hymn after our Thanksgiving feast. |
Hey family!! How’s it going!? Wow, your email was great. It
sounds like you had a great time in Ireland! (I said it with an accent as I
wrote it, haha.) I’m super jealous because I have always wanted to go there!
When I have my millions of dollars down the road I will, haha.
This week was a tough one. For starters, on Monday and
Tuesday it absolutely poured rain here! Man Long Beach cannot handle rainstorms—everything
was flooded! The streets were filled with water and everybody's yards were
miniature lakes, haha. Of course, me being the nice guy that I am, haha, gave
my umbrella to Elder T because he didn't have one. I figured it was just going
to sprinkle, but once 11:00 am hit, it pounded and I was soaked all day! I thought
people would be nice and let us in, especially since I looked like I just took
a dip in the Pacific, but nope, they just slammed their doors or ignored us
completely, haha. Oh well, I’ll send
pics next week.
It was kind of a tough week. |
So Elder A and I have three people who are supposed to be
baptized if they come to church this week! If they don’t there is no chance
that they will make it by the end of the year. So last Saturday Elder A and I were
walking down a street and we both had the impression to go visit an investigator
that we had dropped a month before because she wasn't interested. So we did and
had a great lesson with her! Then 3 more bomb ones with her this past week, and
on Saturday we went by and asked if she was going to come to church and she
said yes! So sweet, we were pumped because she has a date for December 30
th. We told her we would have a member pick her up for church. Then Sunday comes around
and ALL the members cancelled on her—nobody could take her which was soooo
annoying! So at 9:30 am Elder A and I decided to walk to her house (which is
like a 2.5 mile walk one way) and take her personally to church. We arrived at
her house and knocked on the door for what seemed like days and even tried
calling her many times and nothing. We could hear people inside and Elder A
thought he heard D’s voice which was sad because we were clearly being ignored.
So, to make a long story short, none of our investigators came to church and
man it had a bad effect on me. Later, we
found that the reason A, our other investigator, didn't come was because he had
a seizure late Saturday night and was now in the hospital. It’s crazy how all
this happened within 12 hours! I personally am very passionate on meeting our
baptismal goal and on helping these people change their lives, so this just set
me into a rage. I didn't want to talk to anybody; I kept thinking to myself,
how could this have happened to us? Why?? I have been praying for a baptism and for our
investigators to come to church and they just won’t do it, or something always
happens to them. I was DONE. But, after a very long day of church, I finally
cooled off and sorted out my mind with Elder C (our District Leader), He is
awesome! He really helped me out a lot. So, after venting to y’all, haha, this
is a new week and hopefully we will receive success from all the trials we have
been having. I haven’t given up; it’s just another step in the path I need to
take, so it’s all good.
Anyway, Christmas is coming, wooohoooo!! I’m so excited, haha. We, along with Elder T and Elder C bought a Christmas tree. Our apartments are now all
decorated with lights and a 5-foot tree! We tied it to the Toyota Camry
we have and drove it home last Thursday, haha. It’s awesome, and I’m looking
forward to talking to you all on Christmas. It should be sweet!
My District before being split up. |
Oh I almost forgot!! The Ximeno Branch here is AWESOME!!! It
may be super small, but I love everybody here. Yesterday at church we had a
really powerful testimony meeting and I was surprised by how much love the
members have for the missionaries! It was pretty humbling for me personally.
All but two of us missionaries bore our testimony on how we can spend Christmas
together as families and how reading and praying will bring a better spirit in
their homes. Wow, the spirit was super strong yesterday! After church we received
a bag of red paisley and striped ties from a member and also cookies from
another, haha. Sweet! I just wanted to mention that because it was
pretty cool, especially with me having a not so good day.
I hope you all have a great week! Things are good here and I
hope they are back home as well!
Love y’all!!