It is beautiful here the weather is awesome around 70's in the day and 45 at night so it gets kinda cool there are palm trees and all kinds of cool birds here all around campus. We taught our first investigator on Friday he is an actor but it is still super stressful. We did not do so well he speaks no English and we speak no Spanish so you can already assume how that went. Ha-ha We invited him to read the book of Mormon but realized we had forgotten to bring one with us to give to him so that was super embarrassing. We teach Jorge our investigator every day and it is so frustrating because we can understand very little so we just always have a blank stare our faces.
I will be honest I am super home sick and I didn’t sleep hardly at all on my first night here. This is just so hard and I am not used to having every minute of my day planned and Spanish is so hard especially when your teachers speak very little English. I miss you guys so much and I miss my friends like crazy, but I know I need to pray for help so that I can overcome these challenges I am facing. So there are power outages like every day here so we will just be sitting in class and the power will randomly go out and we are left without power for a while it’s crazy. The food is good but I have eaten a lot of strange things already and it has made me pay for it if you know what I mean. ha-ha. It is dry here not very humid, hard to believe there are mountains and the city looks just like the fevellas in Brazil very poor and multi-colored homes all compacted together.
I'm so jealous that dad got to go skiing I want to go so bad! I miss being able to have my own freedom to do whatever I want all the time and working out here is okay they have a gym, but it is not Gold's that’s for sure. I get to work out for 1 hr. everyday so that is nice. I play basketball and lift weights. So every time somebody showers the bathroom floor floods so it is slippery and dangerous every time we go in there. It is hard being an older Elder. Oh and there is a Elder Whetten here and he is going to Long Beach also! He is already half fluent in Spanish so I feel pretty stupid around him. Our Casa is pretty cool but crowded we have two sets of bunk beds and of course I got the bottom and barely fit in it. ha-ha I am double the size of a lot of Elders here so it’s fun. There is music all night coming from the city and it is super annoying we have heard gun shots and dogs barking all throughout the night, The CCM is guarded by a huge wall and security guards with assault rifles so its intense.
Love, Elder Woffinden
I love the blog!!! It is awesome :) And he looks so cute in his pictures! I'm glad to know that P-Day is on a Tuesday...So I can make sure to get a little note in to him...Love to You All!
ReplyDeleteBlog is a great idea. Typical first week. Mexico will be a distant memory in a year. Peace!