HOLA familia!! Que honda!?
Meet my new companion. He gets a thumbs up! |
Thanks for the email! Im glad to hear how good things are
back home!! But mom, I hope you have a blast at Lake Powell! I am beyond
jealous! I wish I was at the lake getting some sun wake boardin’ it up!

Well this past week was good! And my new comp Elder H is a
really cool guy. He is 19 from Payson, Utah and loves to play basketball which
is fantastic! We are going to play after I write this letter. He has been out
for 9 months and though my first companion, Elder H’s Spanish is way better, we
still manage to get by on what we know, haha. We found 9 new investigators this
week! We even had a random lady stop us on the road and gave us a referral (which
didn’t turn out), but still it was some success. We have been doing well and
had one of the better weeks I’ve had while on my mission. However, my Spanish is
still a huge hill I am climbing for sure. This past week we met all kinds of
good people and performed some service for a lady who needed her leaves raked
from her lawn which eventually turned into a Lesson 1 and a return appointment,
ha, it was cool. She will have to be passed on to the English elders this week though
if we are able to meet with her again, but it’s still all the same work.
Elder H saying goodbye to T before leaving. |
Unfortunately Eddie, Tony’s brother, isn't getting baptized--the elders ended up dropping him!!! We were so upset. He was on fire with us, but then somehow lost
interest when we gave him over to the Young Adult Elders. It’s really hard to hear that, but I hope that
one day he will talk to the missionaries again and get that final push he
needs. We also have been working with one of my favorite families, the M’s,
this week. They are less active and are way fun to be around and talk to. We
have tried so hard to get Hna. M to attend church. We went by their house like 5 times this
week and she still didn’t attend on Sunday, so that was hard. In the end people
still have their agency to choose whether to go or not. We also have been
teaching Hno. E, a less active son of the familia E who are active in the ward.
Both he and his girlfriend T, who is Catholic, allowed us to teach them on Wednesday
and came to church yesterday! Though they only stayed for Sacrament Meeting it
was still great to see them there! We have a return appointment this Wednesday,
so I’m hoping that it goes well and we can get them
Hno. P, the funniest guy in the ward. |
excited about the message we
have. Elder H and I, as a form of finding people to teach have been going by Parnell Park to
challenge people to a game of basketball. If we win, they let us teach them, and if we lose, we leave them alone, haha! Sadly, nobody has accepted our offer yet,
but we are going to keep trying this week, so I’m pumped for that, haha. It’s
weird having a new district and companion. I was so used to my last one and
then all of a sudden, a huge change happened within 12 hours, ha.
We also have been going crazy with the World Cup. My whole
ward doesn’t talk about anything else, haha. Yesterday we were able to watch
the U.S. play Portugal which was a great game! Don’t worry, we only saw the
last 10 minutes of the game. We were out contacting and came across a super
cool Catholic guy who asked us to watch the ending, and we couldn’t say no. So
yeah, ha!
Well that sums up my
week; it was pretty good! I hope we continue to have the success and a good
attitude about the work. I hope all is well and I hope your week is great!
Thanks for all the support and love!
Elder Woffinden
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