My "1-Year Shirt." |
Whats up!? Well as I have been hearing from all your emails,
you already know the news... pero es cierto! Me voy a Pico Rivera en Martes. My
companion will be Elder A** and I think he has only been up there for one
transfer. Also, I hear the ward there is really bomb and the members are great
Burnin' the 1-Year Shirt! |
so I’m looking forward to that. My zone got combined into the Whittier zone so
Elder B** (4th companion) will actually be my zone leader now, haha. He is now serving in my first area in
Whittier, so it will be good to see him again.
My time here in Long Beach is over and I’m suuuuupppperrrrr sad
because I really loved it here! I have learned so much about patience. It was
HARD but, I can see how it has helped me overcome certain obstacles in my life.
The dog who ate me. I won't miss him! |
This week was great! We finally had someone come to church,
haha. It has been a real struggle getting people to commit to anything here.
Her name is V** and she is progressing super well! I am really sad that I
won’t be able to continue teaching her or the other investigators we have. She
is a 17-year-old girl and struggles with some Word of Wisdom problems which is
my specialty to work with, haha. But sadly, I will not be here to see what
We took photos yesterday at the church so I will send them
next week. Also, the V** family finally came back to church as well as Hno.
M**!! Ahh, man I have been working my tail off trying to help them find
the desire to come to church and my last week here they finally come, haha. Let’s
hope and pray it stays that way! I love to work with LA people because I know
how hard it is to not want to go to church anymore and to do other things on
Sunday instead of church, but it really does make your life a whole lot better
and happier when you put God first in your life rather than your own worries
and desires.
My Long Beach District. |
Foggy morning run. |
This week was full of walking, and I mean a lot of walking, haha. It seemed like every day all our plans would fall through and we would be
left with no idea of what to do, so we would just walk around and pray for
opportunities to find people. We went by an investigator named R** late on
Friday night to see how she was doing and to find out why we haven't been able
to catch her earlier in the week. Well long story short, we had a really good
lesson on the Sabbath day and reading the scriptures and her husband actually
came and sat down with us and he participated a ton! He was really skeptical of
us at first and didn't like us a whole lot, but now he loves us and even invited
us to come by for carne asada whenever we don't have dinner! Crazy how quick he
was to changes his opinion of us.
Elder B** and I have been doing awesome these past couple
weeks and it’s really hard to leave areas and companions once you start to
click and figure out how much you have in common. I know he will do great work
here and I pray for every single investigator that we have here that they will
actually desire to progress. I really do love them so much and it’s so hard to have
to drop people every week or two.
D** is a great investigator, but he's returning to Mexico. |
Our investigator D** is leaving for Mexico soon so we gave
him signed photos of all of us and the Bible we bought him so that he will
always remember us. He really loves the Mormon Church and is so excited to get
back to Michoacán to talk to the missionaries there.
This week was a hard week to say goodbye to the members that
are here in the branch, mostly the H**, M**, F**, and H** families. They all have been an amazing support and help to me on my mission!
They have helped me out in more ways than I can describe and I am so blessed to
have made friendships with them all.
There really isn’t a whole lot more to report for this week.
I’m really sad to leave, but I am also excited at the same time, it’s hard to
explain. I feel my time is done here and I am needed elsewhere. I just want to
give a shout out to you all for all your love and support you have been giving
while I have been out here on my mission. You are all so amazing and I don't
know how I would survive without the love and support soon. Hope you have a
great week!
Con mucho carino,
That dog looks nasty...J looks great. Thanks for posting updates Sue