Finding the Lost Sheep! |
Mi familia!!! What’s up!? Thanks again for all the emails and support! Another week down just like that. It’s crazy how fast they are going sometimes... It’s always weird having p-day on a Tuesday. For some reason, it just makes the week fly by even quicker and before I realize it Monday is here again.
After many attempts, I was able to capture this one! |
Well where to begin, we had a very good week and a lot happened. I want to be able to explain and tell it all. Okay to start off, I will start by talking about all the service we have been doing here in Pico Rivera. As of lately, we have been doing a lot of service and have been finding great opportunities to help out in the community and to also help individuals with their everyday chores. This past week, we signed up and started to work for the "Inter- Faith" Food Corp which is pretty much a food bank here. Yesterday, we served there from 8-12 just boxing up foods and helping store and serve food to the needy and homeless. It was surprisingly fun! We had our whole district go and we killed it! We were working like animals ha-ha and they were running out of jobs for us to do. We would unload and load up pallets so fast and open and break down boxes, etc. What’s really cool is we are now on the "Tuesday" team. So however long I stay here in Pico, every Tuesday I will be working there so I’m so excited for that! This week we helped an elderly woman who has a small little farm here. We helped her chop wood and round up all her lambs and sheep. Ha-ha Yeah it was crazy! We were told that we could chase and tackle them as long as we got the leashes on them. Ha-ha So we spent forever trying to catch these little demons, but finally did and I snagged some pretty bomb photos! We each got our own "saving the lost sheep" photo. It was a great week to help others out and what’s even better is how good you feel after performing service. There is a reason Christ taught that charity and service are the greatest gifts we can give to others. When we are found doing this in the last days, he will bless us!
Jason and Elder A at the Temple |
Okay so for the work this week. We had a great week of finding. We found 5 new investigators and family of 4! The C** family are the people we contacted last week with the mother and daughter duo. Anyways, they invited us to eat breakfast with them on Saturday at like 10. When we arrived there they had made this huge feast of food and some delicious super Picosa Pico de Gallo which was bomb. We had a great morning with them laughing and chatting and getting to know them a little bit. They have 4 kids but we only have met their two daughters. The dad is an ex-gang member from skid row in downtown LA so has a crazy past! However, he was a very nice and a curious guy and was the one who invited us over to come teach him and his family. We taught them and are going back over tonight!! I hope all goes well!
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11 Elders in the Car! |
This week we got a new investigator named C** who is our recent convert's best friend.She is 10 yrs. old and was listening in on the lessons when we were teaching R** and now we have set a baptism date for the 19th of April. She wants to get baptized very badly so we are very excited for her! We still have to talk to her parents first. They are okay with us teaching her, but we still need to let them know that we are working towards baptism. They are super Catholic to the bone and her Grandma even called her a liar when she told her about Joseph Smith. Grandma was saying, "God doesn’t give people visions or appear to men they are just lying to you." I hope and pray we are able to win over the approval of her mom and dad over these next couple of weeks. She came to church and LOVED primary when we asked her about it. What’s super awesome is that R** has been teaching all the little kids in her apartment complex about the lessons and on how to pray, etc! SO every time we come over they are all super happy and want us to teach them (ages 4-13) so it’s awesome! The last find that we have is M** and her sister. We taught her two weeks ago and her sister was pretending to be asleep, but in reality was listening to everything and really wants to speak with us. Tomorrow we will pass by to teach them both, so please pray that all goes well!
A couple of great Elders! |
Pheww, okay, I almost forgot but on Wednesday, President Tew came to my area and went on exchanges with me and brought another missionary with him to go with Elder A**. I was trippin! Ha-ha It was very weird just walking and contacting people with President. We taught lessons to two less actives and even contacted these two guys right in the middle of their huge poker/drinking party with all their friends. To be honest I had no desire to talk to them, but he insisted so we did and it was past awkward as they were all hammered and ignoring us as we tried to bring up some form of conversation. But in the long run, it was a successful exchange and he said he was glad and proud to see that the area is moving along well.
Alright that’s about it from me today! I hope you all have an amazing week and stay safe!! Love you!
Con mucho carino,
Elder Jason Woffinden
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