Pico Rivera - wall art! |
Mi familia y mis queridos amigos!
Hey!! How is everyone doing this fine day!? I'm doing pretty good here in Pico Rivera, CA. The work is slowly progressing and the weather here is great! God truly helps me overcome tough challenges everyday so what can be better? Thanks so much for the pictures you sent of McKinnley Mae!! She's beautiful, congrats Linds and Ty! Make sure to give my new niece a hug and kiss from Uncle Ja. :)
Pico Rivera - a wall of art! |
Well for my past week, I will begin with all the work we have been trying to accomplish here in Pico. Okay, so this week we found 6 new investigators!! Whoo! However, we can only teach two of them.... they are English speaking, majority of them, and so we will have to be passing them along this week to Elders V** and T**. It’s all good they are both 'bomb' missionaries so I’m sure they will be in good hands. What’s hard is that a lot of them are Hispanic but they just stopped speaking Spanish and forgot everything so we aren’t able to teach them anymore. With the investigators we do have now, we have been having some big struggles with them keeping appointments and finding times that work with their crazy, constantly changing schedules. One of them texted us saying he is very interested in learning more and wants to keep reading in the Book of Mormon, but he can’t meet with us for two weeks. I hope and pray G** keeps the desire and will call us when he is ready.
We have been doing well with C**, the little girl, but still have the problem of getting her to come to church with R** and her mom. She won’t come because her friends invite her to their church and she wants to attend with them, but she has full desires to be baptized and hear the lessons from us. We just need to help her to ‘want’ to come. So our goal is to get the primary more involved. We are going to try to bring some people from the primary to help us teach and fellowship her this week.
The "happy" tree. We found this tree to teach! |
We have dropped M & M this week since we haven't been able to teach them for a considerable amount of time, but their teenage daughters are still showing interest to listen. So that’s going to be our full court press for this week.. to help them come to church. As a companionship, Elder B**and I are doing awesome! The Lord truly has blessed me with all amazing companions. I learn so much from each one of them and they are all great men and missionaries. I just hope they can say the same about me :) ha-ha jk. Elder B** and I decided that we are going to kick it into overdrive this week and set some pretty good goals that will help us out with the work. One of these goals is to invite 10 people to church every single day which is 60 people before Sunday comes rolling around. All I want is for at least 1 soul to come (just one) and I will say it was a success! So please keep that in your prayers.
I LOVE Service! |
The service is still going strong here! We are always keeping busy doing projects or helping foundations, etc. I love service! It is the greatest thing ever! Dad, I now understand why you would always take me around the neighborhood, when I was young, to go shovel all the snow from the widow's walks and around the blocks even when it was snowing, cold and early on a Saturday morning. Sorry for all the complaints, but it definitely made me stronger and more willing to help out on my mission.
That's about it for me this week! I know its super short, but I can’t think of more to say... I hope you all have a great week!! Love you all so much stay safe
Con mucho amor,
Elder Woffinden
Fun pics and great letter. He is a great missionary and working so hard! He looks great. So proud of Elder Woffinden!