Hey!! What’s up everyone!! How was everyone's week?? Mine was awesome!! So many good things I can’t even remember them all sadly... I always forget to write them down so I will do better from now on. But to start, this past week was the last of the transfer and.... I’m staying with Elder A** for one more. I will honestly probably kill him since he goes home in 2.5 months! So I’m stoked for that!
This week we had some success. I was on exchanges with Elder C** on Wednesday night and we had some great lessons during the day and everything was looking good for "prime time" (6-9 pm). But, we didn’t teach anybody and we're having some doubts on if we would teach that night. At like 8:45 we made it to the street where we live and we knew we had to do an "obedience walk" since it wasn't 9 yet. Honestly, I was tired and just ready to go inside. We started walking and were talking and having some great convo together when it finally was 9! Sweet! Time to go inside. On our way inside, I saw a guy sitting by his fence smoking a cigarette. My first response was its all good, let’s go inside, the day is over. Something told me to talk to him so we decided to just bite the bullet and do it, and it was awesome!! This guy saw us and immediately threw out his cig and was ready to talk to us. We had a good short convo about life, etc. He brought up the question, why are there so many churches in the world? And boom we were ready to respond! So cool we now have a return apt. tomorrow and are super excited to meet with him. Also this week we set a baptismal date with V** for the 2nd of Nov! He is really doing awesome and his reading and prayers have improved tremendously since I first met him.
On Tuesday, we went to the temple with all the departing missionaries and it was great! All 8 of us Spanish Elders loaded up into the big van at like 7am and headed to the temple, but what we failed to remember is that from 6-9 in LA is pure doom of traffic!! Ahh.. the worst. We didn’t get to the temple till like 9:30 and it was just an incredibly long drive for such a short distance. haha There are way too many people here!! The temple was great. I really loved it and we even got to go out to Denny’s after which I haven’t had in forever and it was bomb! If you get an opportunity try the pumpkin cinnamon pancakes! Ha
This week has also been a week of really hard times too. This week probably sets a new record for me having people really trying to push our buttons and ridicule us. We had a guy throw his full sprite can at us while parking our bikes and it exploded everywhere. We also got into a convo with these 3 super stoned dudes and they were criticizing us for where and how we get our authority, etc. I noticed during the convo he was filming us on camera and it was just annoying. We came across this guy who was walking around like he was so gangsta when he noticed us, he just comes up and shows us his arms that are tatted up and it says "anti Christ". We were all, okay?? and pretty much just walked past him and ignored him. haha.
The branch here is doing great! We had a new Elder’s Quorum called and they are having a sports night every Friday night. We can play volleyball, basketball, and ping pong. It has been awesome! haha Now, I have no idea how to talk in "sports mode" in Spanish because back home I can talk trash or laugh and make jokes with people during games etc, but here I just sound like an idiot and have no clue what is being said at times. haha Plus all our investigators were dropping some curse words every now and then which I have learned to catch now, and it’s pretty funny. haha.
Well Elder A** and I are doing great! We have been doing some good work and he hasn’t been sick anymore. I had a pretty knarly cold and was sick all week until yesterday. My voice was pretty much gone which was terrible and I gave myself a headache from talking it was so bad, but I’m good now. Since this next transfer is 7 weeks we are going to have Halloween and Thanksgiving together which should be cool. I’m excited for this transfer and hope all goes well and that we hopefully get some baptisms! But that’s about it for me. I hope you all have a great week! Thanks again for your emails, I really appreciate them!! Until next week!!
Elder Woffinden