Elder A and Jason |
Hey!! What’s up everyone! Thanks for the email and for all you guys do!! I'm doing awesome here in LB. This past week was great and we had some good success and a couple of branch Halloween parties which were off the wall! I was shocked how good they were. I was not expecting it. Ha-ha.
Elder P's last day! - Nos Vemos Amigo |
To start with our teaching… we have been doing great with our investigators. D** and L** and their mom M**. We set a baptismal date for the 16th! So pray for them please! They are awesome and always keep their commitments of reading in the B of M and seem to understand the lessons pretty well.. So I'm super stoked about that. Yesterday at church we realized that nobody had showed up to church! Since we have class first then Sacrament meeting, last Elder A** and I left church and literally went to their house and dragged them to church. Ha-ha it worked! They really liked it too even though all the speakers were English speakers with a missionary translator at the stand. It made it very hard to feel the spirit, etc. (Please pray that I never get called to translate..super hard stuff.) V** our other solid investigator has been struggling with his drinking lately and disappeared for like a weekend so we have no idea what happened to him.
Long day out on the streets of LB - still sick! |
This week I have still been fighting my cold and it’s gotten worse. I think I have bronchitis so that's been annoying to deal with coughing every 10 seconds. Besides those investigators, we aren't really teaching too many another solid people just a lot of potentials and a couple miracle finds.
Okay so this Halloween party that we went to was at our Ximeno branch and the 10th ward (white) and it was huge! A big success!! I will try to send pics next week! There was a costume contest and food contests and everybody was dressed up. About 3 hours before the party we were out working and we came across a yard sale, which are famous here, and I saw an "angry birds" costume for 2 bucks. I bought it and that was my costume. Ha-ha It was super stupid but it worked! All the other missionaries were lame and didn't do anything so I was proud to represent. There was trick or treating and tons of games for the kids and even a bounce house which soon became a missionary war zone! We went nuts in that thing. Ha-ha
Trying out the new camera - Fish eye effect. |
Well the rest of my week was pretty slow but really good! I went on exchanges with Elders T** and S** on Friday and was glad to be out of my area for a little while. My Spanish has gotten tons better! Honestly, I just decided to not care and when I did that, it got better. So the key to life is just don’t care about anything and good things come from it! Ha ha (jk)
This week is going to be good and I am excited for Halloween even though we aren’t allowed to do anything past 6pm due to missionary imposters! Ha-ha yeah pretty dumb but things are going good here missionary wise. It’s still super hard and stressful and there are days when my "ganas" are just close to zero and I don't want to do anything (especially being sick), but by going out and working that's when the blessings come. If we do our best, that’s all the Lord asks of us. Well that’s all I can remember for this week. Love ya’ll! Have a great week and thanks for everything!!
Love, Elder Woffinden
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