Saludos desde debajo del puente Slausen |
Mi fiel y familia increíble!!! How’s it going this past week?? Wow, I can’t believe how fast the weeks fly by.. I know I say this every week, but for real... it’s kinda scary to think about.
More graffiti under the Slausen Bridge |
I had a CRAZY week!! So transfers came and I am getting transferred to HB!!! Nah, jk I’m staying with Elder B for at least one more transfer here in Pico Rivera so we were both excited to stay together for at least one more. Also Elder H** is now our new zone leader here in Whittier so I get to have part two serving with him again! Its gonna be dope! But anyways now with our week.
Well to begin, every Monday night is always filled with an adventure! For real though something insane happens to Elder B** and I every single p-day night. Elder B** and I were exploring underneath the Slausen Bridge to take some photos of some of the graffiti art that we could see. It was awesome and we got some great photos. Then these "hobos" start to follow us so we bailed outta there hoping to not get robbed. haha. As we headed towards this giant apartment complex we got to the gate which is always locked so we needed someone to come and let us in (this is were my email gets nuts) haha.
Elder B and I playing at the park! |
Finally this girl sees us and starts running to the door to let us in and we're all yes!! finally we can go in. Once she gets to the door it is very obvious that she is not all there in the head, but she let’s us in and welcomes us with a classic, "HEYYYY cuties!!" haha and we were all... ugh "Hi!" Then she responds with, "You both wanna come up to my apartment!?" We’re all like, "No, sorry we have to go somewhere." She then says, "Oh okay no worries at least walk with me so I can show which house I live in." Ugh... fine, it was on the way to the house we were going to anyways so we followed her. As we got outside she pointed up the stairs and said, "It’s that one baby!" :/ All I am thinking is get me outta here! So I then said, "Okay, well what’s your name?" And she responds with this crazy name I have never heard so I ask her again and then all of a sudden she leans in towards where I am standing and just kisses me right on the check super close to the lips!!! haha ahh! I pushed her away and was, "Well, we’re outta here, have a great night!" and then we left. It was the weirdest thing I have ever had happen to me on my mission!
Another great Elder heads home! |
But besides that great story, the work is going good. We had way more members present this week and our investigators are doing great! We are still having troubles trying to set up times to meet them on a regular basis, but when we do teach them, the lessons are very good. I am excited to be here for another transfer because I need to really up my game here in Pico Rivera. I owe a lot to the Savior and God and I need to be more focused. There are lots of things taking away my attention sometimes so I just need to focus. But I am ready to find those souls who are ready to be baptized.
He ain't heavy... he's my brother!! |
Speaking of baptisms... Yesterday, I had one of the coolest experiences of my life. I was asked by the Elders of La Esperanza Barrio to help with the baptism of a woman named M**. She has no legs, and is in a wheel chair and progressed towards baptism! You’re all probably think how in the heck did they make that work?? Well, I was thinking the same thing. It took five of us to place her in a chair and to carry her into the baptismal font, and then to gently pick her up and place her into the water. I was like 80 percent in the water holding her up from her back while the others were there for support and Elder B** baptized her. The reason I am telling this story is because I have never seen someone so determined to follow the Savior in my life! This lady has no legs and is terrified of water, but despite her fears she still trusted in us, as the Lord’s servants, to help her to the waters of baptism. Of course she was terrified and shaking, but it just helped me realize how blessed we all truly are and how the invitation for baptism is for EVERYONE!! I am so grateful for yesterday’s baptism and for M**’s desire to follow Jesus Christ. SO AMAZING!
J's dog, Biscuit! |
So we were teaching J** at McDonalds since her kid is crazy and needs to run around in the play house,etc. It was a great lesson overall, but after she asked if we could walk over with her to this "dog spa and neuter" clinic. She wanted to get prices for her dog, Biscuit, jaja! So we agreed and walked over to this clinic with her. But as we walked into this ghetto place we passed by this super nice Porsche, and I knew I had seen that Porsche before. Sure enough as we walked inside it was Miranda Cosgrove (the main girl from iCarly) haha. This is now the third time I have seen her on my mission. We sat there awkwardly right next to her and had small talk about her dog etc, jaja It was hilarious and so random. We wanted to take a picture, but we backed out of it thinking that it would be creepy. Oh well.
But the rest of the week went by pretty smoothly. We have been doing great work with the service and yes mom, we are going by sheep lady’s house this Wednesday. I will get some more lovely pics for you with her. I hope you all have a great week! Whoever is reading my email, just know I love you all and queiro decir que nunca te des por vencido!!
Con amor,
Elder Woffinden
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