Welcome to Huntington Beach! |
HBello!!! Get it?? Hey how’s it going everyone?? Wow, what a
great week it has been being down here in Huntington Beach, minus the fact that
I sprained my ankle pretty bad while playing sports today. So, I am just
chilling at the church emailing with my ankle the size of a softball. It’s
huge!! But, this area is very different from any other area I have served in
that is for sure. There are 4 Spanish elders here and Elder J** and I
cover all of HB while the others cover Fountain Valley so it is a pretty big area
to drive and to work in.
Halfway done with our daily 6-mile run. |
To answer questions about my companion, he is from Kansas
and has been out on his mission I think for 7 months. I served with him up in
Pico Rivera when he was getting trained by Elder C** and the follow up training
by Elder T**, so I really know him pretty well already. Our apartment is
pretty sweet and big, and we are only like 3 miles away from the actual beach
which is pretty sweet. However my first day I arrived here I received a lovely
parking ticket notice for the "street sweeping" which was super
stupid! $44--all for the streets to get swept and never look clean, haha.
Here in HB we cover 4 separate wards and go
G** from Pico Rivera and me. |
to 3 Sacrament
meetings every week! Yeah, I about died doing that yesterday. I had to
translate in Sacrament meeting for a couple of Spanish people with the head
sets and all!! It was sooo hard. I can do Spanish to English, but from English
to Spanish, and especially a testimony meeting when people are explaining how
their grandfather was in WWII, and his plane got shot down in flames, etc., let’s
just say I was way out of my league! Thankfully, there was a returned
missionary from El Salvador whose Spanish was pretty dang good! So he helped me
out a ton and took over for some of the meeting. I feel pretty stupid since his
Spanish was so more advanced than mine but, I guess that's just the price you
pay serving in the states, especially
with it being Fast Sunday. We have the richest ward in the mission called the
Sea Point Ward which we cover and the people in that ward are beyond loaded
with cash! Their homes are crazy and have just the nicest cars and pools, etc., so it is a huge culture shock to what I have been used to serving on my
mission. But, all the members are very cool and nice, and the dinners have been
just like home, so no complaints here.
Okay, so for the work, we have a young girl named A** who
has a baptismal date for the July 26!
Our new way of contacting--Surf-tacting! |
We set it on Tuesday and she is super,
super prepared! She has been getting taught since she was 4 and she is 9 now so
she knows everything like the back of her hand. The only issue was her father
wouldn't let her be baptized and has been pretty strict with all the kids when
it comes to church. The mom is already a member and wants us to get her
baptized and feels her husband will ease up this time and sign the papers. SO
please pray for A**! We are pretty much white washing her since I am brand
new in the area and know nothing or nobody, and Elder J** doesn't have
an idea either, haha. So it’s just like Compton again! However, we had a pretty
successful week and taught a fair number of lessons and the members are pretty
willing to help out with the sets that we have. I still don’t have too great of
a knowledge of our investigators since I have only been able to meet about half
of them, but I am hoping to report more about lessons or experiences with them in
my next email.
We are trying to teach this super awesome couple from
Argentina, but they never have time. I
Saying goodbye to Y** in Pico Rivera |
have a feeling that they will progress due to this one lesson we had with
them my first night in the area. They said they have been wanting to think
about becoming Mormon, but don't want to be rushed especially the wife since
she had a stroke recently and is like half paralyzed on her left side of her
body. SO, hopefully we will be able to progress with them this upcoming week!
Elder J** and I have been having a great time though,
and something happened that was pretty cool on Thursday while we were out
contacting and visiting potentials with a member. We were walking down this
street called Florida when I saw this super nice Maserati and Porsche sitting
in this guy’s drive way. SO I was all whoooa!! Dude, let’s go take a look at
this! So as we
Our new mission car--a $300K Ferrari. |
approached the house, I see this brand new gray waxed-up Ferrari
with the windows down sitting in the garage, haha. I immediately went up and
knocked on the door. This super jacked ripped guy opens the door with his shirt
off and is all, whats up? And I replied hey bro, can I look at your Ferrari??
He paused and said, "yeah sure," haha. So we all went into the garage
to look at all these super nice cars and bikes that he has. As I was looking at
his car I was wondering how he was able to afford a $300 thousand dollar car
and all these other toys when I noticed all around his garage there were pictures,
posters, and ads--all of him as a world champion MMA fighter, haha. I forgot
his name sadly, but he is from Brazil and he and his brother are like double
black Jujitsu fighters that have been living here for about 10 years. We had a
great discussion but, sadly he was not interested in our message or what we had
to offer him... but I did get some great photos, so that was pretty sweet!
My Zone and District are pretty cool! Being by the beach is
awesome, we are there just about every day driving past or walking around.
Every day elders F**, R**, J** and myself wake up at 6 am to go to
the church to do Insanity tapes in the gym, haha. It is great, but it killed me
this week since I am so out of shape. On Saturdays we do our beach run
which is a 6-mile run from the elder’s apartment down the boardwalk by the
beach and then back. We did it this past Saturday during the 4th of July and it
was packed!! I guess every year here in HB they go all out for the 4th of July
and all the streets from Main on down get shut down for parades and EVERYONE
goes to the beach and sets up camp for the fireworks which are launched off the
pier. We were able to run by it at like 7 am while they were getting ready and
it looked super fun!
Saying goodbye to another great family in Pico Rivera. |
Our 4th of July was good! We had a decently successful
teaching afternoon, but at night, nada! But we were able to watch the fireworks
with some cool members from the Sea Point Ward and it was super cool! It reminded
me of home when we go to the firework shows in Sandy. We also were able to do
some service here and have now signed up at the old folks home here twice a week, every week, haha. It is super fun!! We play bingo with them and all
other sorts of games. They are all nice old ladies (there were about 9 of them)
even though a couple of them are the bossiest people in the world, haha. We do
it every Thursday and Saturday and just go and have fun with the seniors. One
of them grabbed me by the hand and asked, "you are such a good looking young
man, why are you not in the films!?" haha. Then she asked how old I was,
and when I replied 22, she said, “well too young for me,” haha. It was great!
Say hi to my new pet, Willie! |
That’s about it for me!! Things are going good! I’m not
going out to work tonight since I can barely walk but, I look forward to this
week! Hope all is well with everyone and just know I love and miss you all!
Have a great week!