Crusin' in the rain in HB. |
Hey what’s up my family!? It’s super good to hear from you.
Thanks for the emails and support you bring me all the way from the foreign
land of Salt Lake City, Utah! Also, happy late birthday to my wonderful sister
Brooke!! Happy 25th b-day!!! :)
Who is Voniece? And, why are there no cakes and cookies? |
This week was a pretty good week for Elder J** and me. We
experienced a lot of highs and some lows, but felt the hand of the Lord
especially with the work. For the past three transfers that I have been here in
Huntington Beach, we have served in four wards and out of the four wards, two
of them have been pretty successful with having Spanish speakers in their
boundaries for us to teach. However, two of them were super, super
"white" and claimed to only have members living there. One ward in particular
was the Harper Park Ward. I have never had an investigator in that ward and
honestly, I never thought I would with how small and white the boundaries are,
but good news, we found 6 investigators in that ward alone this week!! One is a
pretty cool family that I will explain more about in a second, but the others
are teenagers in high school whose parents all speak Spanish so we hope to pick
them up soon.
You're not going to hit me with that ball are you? |
As for the week, we had a slow one honestly. We didn't teach
nearly as much as we normally do. A**'s baptismal interview is this Wednesday. We have finished her program, now we just have the painful wait until November 14th when she will be baptized. L** was out of town this
past Sunday so we are going to have to move her date back a week. I’m not
really sure what else to say for the work other than it’s going good and that
we are hopeful to have more success. We had many people out of town such as L**
our main and most solid investigator. She went up to San Francisco for the
weekend with her husband, but hopefully she will come back tonight. We had a
hard time finding many other investigators home throughout the week and it was
the same situation with all of the less active members, so we had a slow week
for sure. The success we had in Harper Park Ward was one family we taught on
Friday night and it turned out to be a solid lesson! On Tuesday we contacted
the mom and she told us to come by on Friday at 6:30 since she was busy with
her English homework for college. We brushed it off like, sure... okay see you
then… wrote it down and were positive it was going to be like any other
contact. But as the week rolled on, we had a shocking surprise. Within one
knock of the door, the husband F** opened the door wearing just a rug, well not
literally a rug, but it was his chest hair which I thought was a rug, hahaI He
was all, “oh hey, come in, come in!” At that moment we were a little shocked
and not sure what to do, but we went in. Then the wife dropped what she was
doing and was even more excited than he was and was all, "Hello!! We have
been waiting for you! Please sit and make yourselves at home". By this
time, I am shocked and can’t believe that the lesson is actually going to
happen. Both Elder J** and I are wondering what is going on? Why are they being
so nice? Haha. It went great! Their
youngest son Esau even came in during half the lesson and we taught him as
well. So, that was a good tender mercy for sure. This coming Wednesday is A**’s
baptismal interview at the church. We have completed her program and now have
to painfully wait for November 14
Elder Ja--Machete Man |
This week we did a lot of service for many old ladies. This
one lady had the "Congo jungle" for a yard. She handed me a machete
and told me to go to work, haha. So for about an hour I was having a grand old
time hacking away at vines, trees, bushes, attacking spiders and who knows what
else, haha. While I was relentlessly attacking her bushes, Elder J** took down
her huge tree that had over grown so we created quite the pile of trash. It was
super fun and she actually loved being able to see her back yard.
Well, that’s about it for this week. I hope all is going
well back home! Good luck with all the remodeling in the new home. Thanks again
for everything and have a great week! Go Utes! I heard about the win!! Super
Con mucho carino!
Elder Woffinden
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