Baptism of R** - What a great day! |
Buen Dia!!!
Como estan todos?? I’m doing great! Elder A** and I had a really good week with
some awesome success that I will tell you about a little bit later. But, how is
everyone doing? Good I’m assuming. Why haven’t I received any photos of my new
nephew yet?? What is this?? Haha. How is Tucker doing? I’m
glad all is well back home. Please send photos ASAP. I really want some!
Great family from the Long Beach area |
This week was
a struggle at first, but towards the end we had a really great 4th quarter come-from-behind
buzzer beater to end the week, haha! Of course, I’ll start with the good news—R**
got baptized! Whoo!! It was such a great service too! All the speakers were
awesome and we actually had a very big turn out from the ward along with
friends. So I really hope she felt the love and support there. Elder A** did
the baptism yesterday and I will be doing the confirmation next Sunday at
church so it’s pretty exciting! It was so good to finally have another baptism
in the mission because Long Beach was really hard at times, and I
feared I would never have another one. I’m so glad that the Lord is always
preparing his children and that we were able to be blessed to have R** come
into our lives. Since R** has been taught by the missionaries her LA mom of
like 20+ years has come back into activity and loves coming to church! Also,
her non-member father is showing interest and even came to the baptism
yesterday which was really awesome for this family. The Spirit that was there
at the baptism was indescribable. It makes me very happy to know that what she
decided to do will truly bless many people’s lives. So the service was great, we
took some awesome photos, etc. and I will be doing my best to send them soon.
Going to miss the Long Beach members |
Well, like I
was explaining earlier about a 4th quarter buzzer beater, it was because after
the baptism we had another miracle-find happen to us while we were out working.
This week we had a goal to find two new investigators since our teaching pool
is pretty small as of late. With R** getting baptized we were both a little
worried and were all, "well, what do we do now?" haha. All the way up
until last night we hadn’t found anybody new to teach and had a hard week in
general just trying to teach anybody. So while we were out visiting potentials
at around 7 PM last night, we decided we would say a prayer and go knock five
random doors to find two new investigators, or at least one. After we prayed, we
sort of stood around clueless trying to decide which street we should knock
when we saw this house with a super nice truck in the driveway, haha. I was immediately
drawn to it and decided that we should knock that house. It looked pretty white,
but I still thought we should knock it anyway so that’s what we did. It turned
out to be a miracle find! We contacted a young girl named K** (16) and her
friend C** (16) while they were sitting at home watching TV. At first it was
suuupper awkward talking to them, they were not very receptive and were
thinking we were just a couple of goons at their doorstep. But, as we began to
teach them we started to notice how they lightened up and then they started
asking deep questions from the soul. We ended up having a 1.5-hour discussion
on their doorstep answering questions that they had been wondering about. They
really showed a great deal of interest in why we do what we do and even said
how they want to get closer with God even though they don’t know who or what he
really is. As we explained and answered their questions I really could see how
God has been preparing them individually and how by us praying trying to find
someone to teach, God answered their prayers. It was sweet!!!
Hard to say Good-bye to great members |
The Lord
really does bless us with the little tender mercies whenever we ask for them,
we just need to act on the first impressions we receive even if they may seem
dumb or outrageous at the time.
We also had a
lot of service opportunities this week as well as a Zone Conference on Friday
with President Tew. Both were super good and really helped this week turn into
a better week than we thought it was going to be. For the service activity, our zone organized a LA member’s home in the Whittier English ward and helped
pack up her house since she is getting ready to move in the near future. All I
will say is that she had a lot of stuff!!! Like a very large amount of stuff, haha.
It took about 4 hours, but we had lunch there so it was pretty cool. She was
very grateful and emotional that we all came to help her since her family and
kids had left her and wouldn’t help. It felt
good to help her out just a little.
Well that
about sums up my week! I hope you all have a great week and stay safe. Thanks
for all the love and support!! Y que tenga buena semana!!
Con mucho
Elder Woffinden
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